Due to this deadly virus called, Coronavirus which is also known as COVID’19, brands world-wide are suffering. The disease is declared Pandemic by WHO. Places like gym, cinema halls, brands and also educational institutes are shut in order to avoid public gathering. This is a difficult phase for various brands and companies. Here are some of the things that the brands should do in this difficult situation:
Stay Informed - staying informed and updated is very important and most important thing is to read and gather information for credible sources like WHO. Avoid reading from sources like WhatsApp and Facebook. Also, companies should educate their employees about this, so that they don’t panic and avoid fake information or news regarding this pandemic.
Safety – All the precautions and safety measures should be taken by the brands. Their employees’ safety must be their priority. Companies should allow their employees to work from home in order to avoid public interaction. Office premises should be sanitized time to time and hand sanitizer, masks etc should be provided by companies itself.
Sectors like travel and tourism, aviation, hospitality are suffering in this difficult situation whereas the pharmaceutical sector is hiking because demand for sanitizers, sanitary masks, etc are increasing. Amul is creating awareness by circulating infographics on social media. Brands should stay calm and keep their communication strong with their stakeholders in order to deal with this dangerous situation.