Convocation 2019! An email notification popped up on my phone. Suddenly after opening the mail, my brain flooded with lots and lots of flashbacks of my college days. I am already excited to attend my convocation. I want to rush and meet my friends who have become family for me now. I have always heard from people that college life is one of the best times you will spend. And now when I have moved forward, I realized that this is true, you meet your so-called “friends for life” there. You meet people with true souls and pure hearts during your college. No competition, no politics, people only worry about how to wake up early and attend the 1st lecture.
I am eagerly waiting for my convocation. I want to re-live the 3 years of my graduation on convocation day. I am excited to hold 3 years of hard work in my hands in the form of my graduate degree.
That one mail of convocation took me back in my graduation time, looking forward to attend my convocation and to make memories again with my people which I will cherish forever.