Crisis is a difficult or unstable situation. When we hear crisis, words like negative, emergency, etc started running through our minds. We think only brands or organizations go through crisis, but this is not true. Crisis can hit anytime, anywhere to anyone. This, anyone, can be any human being. Crisis can arrive in real life also, but we do not prepare a crisis manual to deal with it in real life. We always talk and discuss the steps to deal with crisis happening in brands or organizations, but we never talk about how to deal with crisis in our real life.
There are some important points that one should keep in mind while dealing with crisis in real life. They are as follows:
1. Knowledge- the most important thing is knowledge. If we don’t have knowledge about particular thing then it will be difficult for us to deal with the situation. So, one must be updated and have knowledge about things going around.
2. Speed- we must be quick and pro-active. Our laziness can result in making situation worst. We must be on our toes if we want to successfully overcome the crisis in our life.
3. Ownership- we must always take the ownership, this is the most important thing. Being out on front and actively participating will help us to deal with the crisis.
All the 3 points are equally important while handling the crisis. Three of them are interrelated. We can’t be just knowledgeable, because if we will not be quick and if don’t take ownership then our knowledge is of no use. In the same way, if we are quick and participating actively in handing the crisis but we have no knowledge then our speed and ownership are of no use. So, all three points are equally important in their own way.
Crisis can also be classified into 4 stages. These 4 stages are:
Risks--> Issue-->Crisis-->Disaster
Everything we do in our life has a risk. Sometimes risks can result in small issues and issues can be handled with a calm mind but when issues turn into crisis, we can follow the three points mentioned above, to avoid the disaster.