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13. Time Management

Updated: Dec 12, 2019

You lose time without getting it back. Managing time is very important if you plan your day properly you will achieve everything. Everyone has 24 hours and it's on us how we plan to invest our time. Instead of spending time, we should invest our time to plan your tasks well in advance which will help you to complete them on time. Proper time management will make our life easier and better. We need to find priorities and set them accordingly. Once we set our priorities it will become easier for us to manage various tasks on time. Time management will also help us to reduce our stress.

I struggle a lot with time, and I am trying to manage my time by following some simple steps, they are as follows-

1. Write down all the tasks- Note down all your tasks of the day according to serial number, this will help you to understand the things you need to do throughout the day. By doing this we can complete all our work step by step on time. Whenever we are assigned a particular task, we need to figure out the time interval from when the task is assigned to the completion of the task, which is also known as TAT (Turn Around Time).

2. Start and End of the day- a) start your day with some quiet time- The productivity of your day depends on your morning. To elevate productivity, we should start our day with some quiet time with ourselves like meditating or exercising. Visualization of the tasks to be accomplished within that day gives you a head start to begin the task with confidence. In this way, you can start all your tasks with a clear agenda in mind and end them efficiently within the stipulated period of time. b) End with a quick recap- once all the task that you have listed are completed, then end your day with a quick recap by memorizing the tasks and activities performed throughout the day. This will provide you a scope of improvement in your work. It will also help you to figure out if any task is left by chance. Reviewing your completed works gives you confidence and a feeling of accomplishment which is required for the new tasks to begin. This will help reduce stress and you will feel confident on the next morning.

3. Eliminate all distractions- any activity which causes a hindrance or delay in completion of your specified task is a distraction. So, identify the distractions and eliminate them.

4. Don’t go to bed with pending tasks- Before going to bed complete all the assigned tasks for the day. Small pending tasks each day will pile up to create a lot of burden, and as a result, will cause unnecessary stress.

These are some easy steps that can be used to manage your time and organize your day.

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